Category Archives: Student projects

Project #1 is finished, long live to project #3

End of December, before leaving for the Xmas break, all our students went through project #1  defences (a.k.a Project “Basic Techniques”).

Before moving on to project #3 (a.k.a “Services and applications”), it is a good time to highlight some of these Project #1 outcomes.

Hussein and Kogulan have been tracking geostationary beacon signals using software defined radio.

Gérald and Ramon contributed to further improve our antenna facilities. They evaluated and tested an RF-to-optical transceiver that is now used to connect one of our dishes with the indoor unit.

Antoine and Thibaut have designed and developed a signal analyser based on one of our software defined radio platforms.

Finally, Adriana and Alexander have emulated a “not unlike DVB-S” communication chain based on – guess what – software defined radio and a new toolchain we have in the lab called LabVIEW Communication Design Suite.


Link budget is all you need

Students are now out for internship and I haven’t had the time to talk about their projects.

Here is one interesting exemple. Anna and Ederson have developed a link budget tool for geostationary satellites. It is written in LabVIEW and named “SatLinkTool”.

A snapshot from SatLinkTool
A snapshot from SatLinkTool

Their report is available from the project forge that is kindly made available by ISAE. The report includes a link to their defence presentation should you need a short overview.

Besides, if you are interested, drop me a line (Laurent Franck at Telecom Bretagne), the files are available.

Internet is with us

Looking back over the past 18 months, I’m struck by the major leap we achieved in terms of field experimental facilities. To summarise : our lab is now going outdoor.

The last (?) piece of this puzzle is our brand new Internet access via satellite.

Satellite based Internet ready for field use
Satellite based Internet ready for field use

It was made possible thanks to the generosity of SES. Let them be thanked.

This Ka-band internet access is a perfect match with the multi-service terminal that was integrated by our students. Wired and wireless Internet , wired and wireless VoIP telephony.  All packaged in a ruggedised 19″ rack with a UPS.

Ruggedised multi-service terminal
Ruggedised multi-service terminal


The connected car : here and now

Car manufacturers are bragging about it:  the connected car is for tomorrow.

We made it today :

The connected car: in front of our office
The connected car: in front of our offices.

It has everything you ever dreamed of: broadband internet access, anywhere.

Well, to tell you the truth … it is not exactly *the* connected car. We keep the actual prototype hidden in a secret place. That car is the only shelter that Gustavo and Ke found, while doing some antenna measurements.

Yes, today is a rainy day in Toulouse.

Keep on going lads.

Gustavo and Ke playing at "I have a spectrum analyser in my car"
Gustavo and Ke playing a very clever game called “I have a spectrum analyser and an antenna controller in my car”.

Sputnik goes optical

Our students’ project (see a prior post on the return of Sputnik) goes well. Joaquin and Matias installed the Pumpkin cubesat kit – without a hassle apparently – and they wrote their first hello world program. Except that – in this case – hello world is a blinking led.

Their assignment is to design an RF beacon. This is the first step with an optical beacon.

Check out their forge for the latest progress reports.

Suptnik goes optical
Suptnik goes optical

With a little help from my friends

Margaux and Julien are SCS 2014-2015 students. Their “Basic Techniques” project is about receiving and measuring geo satellite beacons by means of software defined radio.

Isabelle completed her degree last year and – with her team mate – was involved on that very project. She’s going “back to school” to give Margaux and Julien a hand so they can push forward these activities.

Margaux and Julien with a little help from Isabelle
Margaux and Julien with a little help from Isabelle (sitting in the middle)