All posts by scsprogramme

The Evolution from a fly away antenna standpoint

You know the “image d’Epinal” (traditional picture) where Evolution is pictured starting from the four-leg ape to the bipedal human being.


Evolution (source: Wikimedia)
Evolution (source: Wikimedia)

It is time to revisit the concept from the standpoint of a Ku band fly away antenna

(the last two are straight from our lab, the first one goes uncredited … so far).

The connected car : here and now

Car manufacturers are bragging about it:  the connected car is for tomorrow.

We made it today :

The connected car: in front of our office
The connected car: in front of our offices.

It has everything you ever dreamed of: broadband internet access, anywhere.

Well, to tell you the truth … it is not exactly *the* connected car. We keep the actual prototype hidden in a secret place. That car is the only shelter that Gustavo and Ke found, while doing some antenna measurements.

Yes, today is a rainy day in Toulouse.

Keep on going lads.

Gustavo and Ke playing at "I have a spectrum analyser in my car"
Gustavo and Ke playing a very clever game called “I have a spectrum analyser and an antenna controller in my car”.

Winter is coming

Yes,  winter is at our door steps.

The proof is the ice we removed from the cover of the antenna trailer.

Ice on the antenna, winter is coming
Ice on the antenna, winter is coming

Which brings Today’s quote

“Winter is coming, icicles are shining, tough times for link budgeting”.


Toys’ R (with) Us

Santa is a bit early this year, but this is all good and we won’t complain.

We were donated a Ku-band fly-away antenna (see below). A lot of thank yous to our generous sponsor (they know who they are !)


Together with the AvL drive away antenna (see in an earlier post), our Ku-band capabilities are up to date (not mentioning another drive away we have … more news on that later).

The next stage is to go to Ka-band and complete our line-up of experimental facilities. On that very topic, I can briefly tell that we’re heading the right way. Stay tuned.

Sputnik goes optical

Our students’ project (see a prior post on the return of Sputnik) goes well. Joaquin and Matias installed the Pumpkin cubesat kit – without a hassle apparently – and they wrote their first hello world program. Except that – in this case – hello world is a blinking led.

Their assignment is to design an RF beacon. This is the first step with an optical beacon.

Check out their forge for the latest progress reports.

Suptnik goes optical
Suptnik goes optical

With a little help from my friends

Margaux and Julien are SCS 2014-2015 students. Their “Basic Techniques” project is about receiving and measuring geo satellite beacons by means of software defined radio.

Isabelle completed her degree last year and – with her team mate – was involved on that very project. She’s going “back to school” to give Margaux and Julien a hand so they can push forward these activities.

Margaux and Julien with a little help from Isabelle
Margaux and Julien with a little help from Isabelle (sitting in the middle)