The season for project #1 is now entering its overactive phase.
Thibault J. and Antoine M. pictured below are developing a SDR-based tool for analysing the analogue+digital characteristics and quality of satellite signals.

In earlier posts, we discussed about our geostationary station facilities.
Now it is time to take care of the low earth orbit (LEO) station that is operated together with ISAE.
With Jérémie C., my colleague from ISAE, we spent a couple of hours re-aligning the antennas of the LEO station. Some refurbishing work on the building roof called urgently for a re-alignment.
It basically boils down to the following steps:
Now, keep in mind that the antenna aperture is large enough (> 30°) to accommodate for rough (i.e. handed compass) alignment.
Enough text, here are some snapshots !
This is an official disclaimer: our satcom lab is now up and running.
At 18:00 (UTC+1), we have finalised the installation of all our antennas on the building roof. It all started in the morning with the preparation of the roof for hosting the auto-pointing antenna kindly donated by the French Space Agency (thank you !). And also a big thank you to the logistics department of ISAE for giving us a helpful hand on that.
The afternoon was busy with lectures, so 5PM was the earliest slot for resuming antenna setup operations. At 6PM we were done and ready for testing.
It turned out that everything was running smooth and ZDF was on the screen directly received from Hotbird 13 (this has still to be verified though … it’s pretty crowed over there and every satellite is keen on broadcasting ZDF)
A last look through our IP cam (I still have to figure out how to turn IR “on”) and it is a goof time for stowing the antenna and enjoying the week-end
Today (4th of November) was a hot day. Especially on the roof of our offices in Toulouse.
Time for some videoconferencing with 1st year students from Télécom Bretagne located in Brest. To make it a little bit spicier, I wanted to set up a temporary satellite access and have the videoconference go through it.
Mischief managed !
Last July we have moved to another building … so did the lab.
Our new lab room features more space and a short access to the roof … call it antennas heaven. And we’re almost done with the deployment of the antennas : done with the 1.2 m Ku band, done with the 0.6 m Ku band, done with the 0.75 m Ka band for Internet access !
The one missing (the big box on the picture below) is the 1.2 m auto-pointing Ku antenna. Expect news soon.
We have extended our DVB-S2 experimental facilities with two brand new modems.
These two Newtec MDM 6000 are joining the two Newtec Elevation 470 we already had. They feature DVB-S/S2/S2x + ACM and a BB Frame over IP capability to enable external decoding of the baseband frames.
Below, a snapshot of the setup.
And just below the modems, we’ve also added two PC-based network appliances. They will host the performance enhancement proxies for speeding up TCP trafic.
The date for the opening of the MOOC “Introduction aux communications par satellites” is nearing (1st of June).
Registration is still open (and free)
Meanwhile, we’ve posted a new teaser … The key question is : “Satellite communications, a difficult matter … or not ?”.
See the answer (in French) :
Students are now out for internship and I haven’t had the time to talk about their projects.
Here is one interesting exemple. Anna and Ederson have developed a link budget tool for geostationary satellites. It is written in LabVIEW and named “SatLinkTool”.
Their report is available from the project forge that is kindly made available by ISAE. The report includes a link to their defence presentation should you need a short overview.
Besides, if you are interested, drop me a line (Laurent Franck at Telecom Bretagne), the files are available.
Looking back over the past 18 months, I’m struck by the major leap we achieved in terms of field experimental facilities. To summarise : our lab is now going outdoor.
The last (?) piece of this puzzle is our brand new Internet access via satellite.
It was made possible thanks to the generosity of SES. Let them be thanked.
This Ka-band internet access is a perfect match with the multi-service terminal that was integrated by our students. Wired and wireless Internet , wired and wireless VoIP telephony. All packaged in a ruggedised 19″ rack with a UPS.