Antenna Install Party: take 2

We are back with the Antenna Install Party and we made it !

First to make things easier, we got a trailer. Now the antenna can be handled by a single person, if necessary.

The antenna on a trailer
The antenna on a trailer

With Damien R. (thanks!) we conducted some extensive testing, finding the best place to ensure line of sight, checking with the LNB polarization and – lastly – mastering the TV demodulator.

Here is a series of snapshots showing the antenna in auto-deploy mode.

The antenna in deployment phase
The antenna in deployment phase

And eventually we made it. By that time, it was night.

You can’t imagine the number of TV channels “free to air” available on HotBird 13.  And here is the proof of our success in mastering space technology.

"Soccer from space" in the middle of the night
“Soccer from space” in the middle of the night

Yes, this is correct. The ultimate proof of successfully receiving a radio signal sent from space over a distance of about 36 000 km is … soccer. So disappointing.


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